
Pivotal discovery in quantum and classical information processing

Microwave photon-magnon interaction has emerged in recent years as a promising platform for both classical and quantum information processing. Yet, this interaction had proved impossible to manipulate in real time, until now. By smart engineering, our team employs an...

The next generation of information processing is through coherent gate operations

Coherent gate operation (control over on, off and duration of the magnon-photon interaction) has been a long sought-after goal in hybrid magnonic systems. In principle, this can be achieved by rapid tuning of energy levels between the photon and magnon. However, such...

Being Exceptional in Higher Dimensions

By connecting electromagnetic waves and magnetism to create a system made of magnon polaritons, scientists demonstrated the existence of an “exceptional surface” for the first time. Magnon polaritons are a type of “quasiparticles.” These are disturbances that act like...

Coherent Manipulation of Single Electrons with Optical Photons in Condensed Helium-4

Our paper Coherent Manipulation of Single Electrons with Optical Photons in Condensed Helium-4 hits the cover.   A single electron forms a nanometric quantum bubble in superfluid helium-4 and can strongly interact with mid-infrared photons, as shown by Dafei Jin...